Tuesday, 29 May 2018

This Season's Writing Courses

As this (so far!) glorious summer gets underway, the Carrotsmash Writing Courses have reached this term's finale with a great session on introducing comic elements to writing - with some wonderfully funny written responses. Some feedback from our closing session, about this last writing course, 'Stuff for Writers':

'It wasn't long enough!'
'I have found this course to be really beneficial and look forward to joining again in the autumn.'
'Challenging and inspiring.'
'Just keep it the same as it is amazing already.'
'More more more!'
'Great course, long may it continue.'
'I loved it!'

Thanks, folks for your amazing feedback. Carrotsmash courses will run in the autumn term - details will be on the website (carrotsmash.co.uk) as soon as dates and times are finalised, or you can keep in touch via email. Bookings are taken through York Learning.

Don't forget - if you'd like to continue to receive details of forthcoming Carrotsmash courses and haven't already, you need to email me (alicargill@yahoo.com) to say so! GDPR and all that...

Have a wonderful summer!

Ali x

Monday, 19 February 2018

Carrotsmash Feedback

Thought it might be nice to share some positive feedback from a recent Carrotsmash workshopper:

Thanks Ali,

I enjoy your sessions because you are unfailingly positive about everyone's work.
You push us to explore areas which we would not try alone.
You encourage everyone to contribute.
The material is challenging but clearly explained.

Thanks again for an inspiring class!

Aw - thanks, Cath! It's always a pleasure...

Thursday, 18 January 2018

Writing Courses Begin!

Now that we are firmly into the new year and spring term, Carrotsmash is delighted to announce the start of a 9 week Creative Writing course at Fulford Centre: Writing: the Beautiful Journey. Delivered through York Learning (@yorklearning), it all kicks off this Thursday with a look at perspectives; after that we'll spend the next 8 weeks luxuriating in all aspects of creative writing. As ever we'll explore how published authors 'do it' and experiment ourselves. Can't wait to get started!