Thursday 24 April 2014

And now. American Psycho - whoa!

Have been utterly gripped by Brett Easton-Ellis' American Psycho - by the way the protagonist, Patrick Bateman's narrative is utterly disconnected. I hadn't realised how many years ago this was published - 1991 - and apparently was slated by critics at that time as writing 'disgustingly about the disgusting'. Yeah, well, it is - but it is also beautifully crafted and controlled and, at times, rather funny! (Its the story of a serial killer on Wall Street). It was also slammed as 'so pointless, so themeless'... er NO. What it is, actually, is a clever and ironic portrayal of the prostration of one's Self at the altar of All Things Material in a consumer driven society. Topical theme, methinks.

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