Monday 24 November 2014

Gothic Monsters - Among Us!

Oof! Gap in blogging due to workload - apologies bloggers! However we are back and delighted to announce that we have a workshop coming up on December 4th at South Cave Castle. This time we are workshopping in the evening, and our theme is 'The Natural Environment'. If you're local and would like to join us, do get in touch!

And while we're here... been to the hairdressers lately? Been handed a magazine to read while you're waiting? 'Tis an extraordinary thing - the lengths some ladies will go to, to get themselves noticed. We saw images of huge, grotesquely inflated backsides, boobs and rubber 'trout pout' lips. Is this supposed to be attractive? Actually, our verdict is that it's inhuman. Ladies, you are bears gnawing at your own feet here.

Gothic monsters, it seems, are among us!

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