Thursday 30 April 2015

Woolf Words

Impressed by what we've heard about Wayne McGregor's  ballet, #Woolf Works - if he can create a sense of the collage of ideas presented in Virginia Woolf's modernist, stream of consciousness writing, our hats are off to him.

Woolf herself said: "Words... are full of echoes, of memories, of associations. They have been out and about, on people's lips, in their houses, in the streets, in the fields, for so many centuries".  So true.

What a brilliant concept: the synaesthesia of the written word with dance movement.

Lets hope though, that this production isn't reduced to a Sylvia Plath-esque focus on Woolf's death. That would be such a waste, for it was life that was, is, in her words.

Thursday 23 April 2015

What Larks!

What larks we had at @Judsons_ last weekend - our Crime and Violence workshop was a resounding success and not least because the buffet lunch was so good - thanks again, Judsons for making us so welcome.

We explored a load of stuff: writing openings; avoiding cliche; how to handle violence; using fairy tale as a template for crime and violence stories.

We ate a load of stuff: quiche, potato salad, prawns with cous-cous, all manner of wraps with all manner of fillings.

We wrote a load of stuff, but none of us quite managed to 'step over the edge' and write the words of violence we were aiming for. We discovered we are all pretty clever at avoidance writing. Still working towards, then!

Thanks one and all for joining in and making it such a great day. We'll be back!

Monday 13 April 2015

Beverley FM

We're delighted to be invited... to chat to #LesSmith @Beverleyfmonair about our writing workshops, so listen out for us!

Don't forget - April 18th is our Crime and Violence workshop where we'll be hanging out @Judsons_ for the day. If you'd like to join us, get in touch at our website It'll be thoroughly wicked! (see what we did there? Yeah, we know.)