Thursday 23 April 2015

What Larks!

What larks we had at @Judsons_ last weekend - our Crime and Violence workshop was a resounding success and not least because the buffet lunch was so good - thanks again, Judsons for making us so welcome.

We explored a load of stuff: writing openings; avoiding cliche; how to handle violence; using fairy tale as a template for crime and violence stories.

We ate a load of stuff: quiche, potato salad, prawns with cous-cous, all manner of wraps with all manner of fillings.

We wrote a load of stuff, but none of us quite managed to 'step over the edge' and write the words of violence we were aiming for. We discovered we are all pretty clever at avoidance writing. Still working towards, then!

Thanks one and all for joining in and making it such a great day. We'll be back!

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