Thursday, 6 August 2015

Gay? Normal? WE think so!

Greetings bloggers... it's not often that we at Thoughttree step into the political or controversial arena to comment (and to be fair, this has nothing to do with writing!) BUT we just can't help ourselves:

#SimonJenkins, writing in the Guardian, has it right: as things stand, there is nothing sullying Edward Heath's name except unsubstantiated rumour. The guy is DEAD - he can't defend himself. But while those who make claims against him enjoy protection and the possibility of (naturally...) compensation, his character is defamed and there is nothing - apparently - that can be done to prevent this.

This has nothing to do with politics - it doesn't matter whether he was Tory or Labour. It has nothing to do with justice - because how can what is happening now - 'trial' by public gossip and paraonoia - be right? It has nothing to do with whatever outcome is reached. But it has everything to do with homophobia. 

Here's our view, for what it's worth: just because a person leads a private life; just because a person might - or might not - be gay; it does not make them a paedophile.

Know what, homophobes? You can be gay and NORMAL.

Phew! Glad we got that off our chests! Back to sit in the sunshine, guys!

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