Saturday 20 August 2016

Update on thoughttree courses

Two more successful Thoughttree writing workshops to celebrate, both held at The Village Paintpot Café in Elloughton. (Our thanks to them, as always, for fab coffee and cake!)
In June we kicked Writer’s Block into touch with some inspiring writing tasks and lots of tips on technique – we even wrote with our eyes wide shut!
On a recent Friday in July we huddled around the ‘painting table’ – welcoming several new faces to the gathering – to Kick-start our Creativity. How? By creating ‘tension at the dinner table’ (or wedding, funeral, birthday party - any claustrophobic get-together will do!)
So, one way of revealing more about your characters is to hold them captive together for a while and see what happens. The breakfast, dinner or tea table scenario is ideal for exposing relationship issues. It is a mostly static setting, where harmony and disfunction can operate in turn, revealing niggling resentments, buried conflicts, laughter and tears - and the possibility of consequent dramatic action. We looked at how some of our great contemporary writers – Carol Shields, Ann Tyler, Ian McEwan – effectively exploit the potential of the dinner table scene. Then we wrote our own - and it was fun!
As author Evie Wyld says: ‘…writing fiction is a bit like organising a party – you can decide who to invite…but you can’t tell them what to talk about…’ So why not give it a go in your own story? You never know where your characters may take you.
Check our website for details of the next Thoughttree Writing Workshop – coming soon.

Deb x

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