Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Mayhem in Trumpton!

YouTube I love you! So many beautiful Trumpton stories now available to view... indeed a revival! Has anybody written the one yet where Captain Flack wants Windy Miller to be Ambassador? Unthinkable! Mayhem would ensue! Too many pints, Windy Miller! Didn't you know that drinking on the job makes you sleepy?

Love, Thoughttree

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Control - or Resistance?

This week we've learned that it is (apparently) possible to control everything in our homes through a smart phone: I guess that's heating, washing machine, toaster, the dog... (only joking about that last one). And now we have Alexa arriving... actionable smartwear for the home. What's for tea, Alexa? Will I need an umbrella today? Are my knickers in a twist?

They are, a bit. This reminds me of writing. It's possible - and at times, necessary in the crafting process - to focus on manipulating the reader; controlling the pace, or mood.

But isn't it better, sometimes, to live a little? I think I'd rather find out if it's raining by - you know what? - going OUTSIDE to see. I might decide what to eat when I look in the fridge - and not a moment before. Are we really ready to disconnect so completely from the turning world that we need telling what to wear and what to eat? Can't we live with spontaneity any more?

I'm all for resistance, rather than control. And so it goes for writing. Yes, lets keep our awareness of what the pen is doing - but just occasionally, lets go wild and dangerous, and write outside the box! Might just find that we write something strong, powerful.

Might just find that we feel more ALIVE when we let our hair get wet. Better that than looking through the window at the rain... and asking Alexa to close the curtains.

Friday, 11 November 2016

Writing from the Self

Do you remember... a moment from your past, when something happened, and from that point, you realised that everything had changed? Could have been something momentous - or something quite small. Whatever it was, it was a turning point for you... and these kind of pivotal moments in story have been the focus for our latest Thoughttree 'coffee morning' writing workshop which Deb led this week.

Thoughttree Writing Courses are also underway through @yorklearning; ali is currently teaching 'Let's Journey On' - a course that supports writers of all abilities in developing their fiction writing skills.

And this Saturday Nov 12th in Explore York Library Ali will be leading our latest thoughttree workshop: Writing from the Self. Look forward to seeing you at @YorklibrariesUK