Tuesday 29 August 2017

And so to print...

This week I met with my client who is brain injured, Mick (not real name) and the publisher. I''ve been ghost writing for Mick since early March and he has now taken the decision to go ahead and print his memoir. We discussed a dedication, front cover, how many photographs etc. I'm proud of him - he is seeing this project through to completion and so, in due course, he'll hold in his hands his life story, written down.

I'm so glad, now, that I didn't tamper with the narrative voice too much. The voice is Mick's and the story is his. It will be a slim book - his damaged brain simply ran out of things it could remember, in the end. But I'm so glad I didn't add unnecessary padding - it is real and moving and, as we approach the last stages, I've come to realise that I am as emotionally involved in this as he is.

So, in due course, I'll hold in my hands Mick's life story, written down - and what a moment it will be.

Ali x

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