Monday, 18 September 2017

Writing from Memory - the Risks we take

What do you do when... a workshopper at the latest Carrotsmash writing workshop @PocklingtonArts uses, for her final piece, her memory of the moment when she held her dying baby in her arms?

Thank her profusely, that's what you do - for taking the risk to 1) recall it in a group situation 2) write it down and 3) share it out loud with us.

It never fails to amaze me how these Writing from Memory workshops produce such moving, expressive writing. My task is to create the right group atmosphere so that writers feel they can share - this lady began the workshop by saying how intimidated she felt. Yet 3 hours later, she produced a finely crafted, sensory piece that articulated her grief all too clearly.

She thanked me at the end - but I was the one who wanted to thank her for her bravery.

Ali x

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