Wednesday 6 December 2017

A Reason for Living, by Nick Waterworth

At last - after all those meetings, all the work and all the waiting - Nick's book is published!

It began when Nick appeared in my writing workshop in York. He desperately wanted to tell his story of the car crash that had changed his life forever, but didn't know how to start... so he and I began work on his memoir. From the start it was a challenge - Nick has memory loss and brain injuries, so many of his earlier memories have been wiped. His mother, Pat came to the rescue by contributing to the project. And Nick didn't give up trying to articulate what had happened to him.

Nick's memoir is a small book - but it is authentic, and powerful. The narrative voices are his, and his mother's - together they express their pain and the struggle that life has now, at times, become. Above all, it is an honest story that reaches out to us all. Nick, you are a star. See you at the book launch - watch this space!

If you'd like a copy of Nick's book it costs £3.99 plus 50p postage. Simply email and we'll organise a copy for you.

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