Monday 9 June 2014

An Element of Gothic

An A level student recently commented: 'Why is Macbeth being taught with the other Gothic novels at A level, when it isn't really a Gothic novel because he wrote it before they existed?'

Ahem! Clearly, it wasn't explained to said student that there are what we understand as Gothic novels, and there are other novels where we can explore Gothic elements within them. So, just as we can explore a novel through the 'lens' of, say, feminism, we can explore writing through the lens of the Gothic.

So a Gothic reading of Macbeth, then, becomes so much more fascinating! We gain a whole new understanding of what the Great Shake was about ie terrorising and thrilling his audiences because the intention of Gothic writing, after all, is to instill a kind of 'pleasing terror' in the reader.

Not to mention the weird sisters! A Gothic reading of these dear ladies can explore the way their dialogue encircles Macbeth into entrapment -  literally, on the page... but if you want to know more about that, you'll need to join us on a thoughttree writing course!

PS student: we think your course was actually entitled 'Gothic Elements'... maybe you weren't listening?

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