Monday 23 June 2014

Back... with a beautifully atmospheric snippet of descriptive writing to share.

It's true to say that our thoughttree blog has been quiet for a week or so... that's because we have been up to our writerly necks in examining for one of the major Examining Boards. However all that is in the past: deadlines have been met, the desk cleared to make way for us to share a wonderful sample of descriptive writing from one of our writers, Suzie. A sample from her latest offering, 'Ocean of Ashes':

'The weather relaxed, the sunlight finally reaching the edge of the beach bathing them in a glorious warmth; the chalk cliffs, which were chattering with a multitude of discordant sea birds, cocooned them from the nipping breeze.
The amber heat moved slowly across the sky. The tideline, scattered with shells and algae tossing gently onshore, would soon be swallowed by the flooding waters, which were making their way in to fill the beach before the day's end.'

We love this. Amber heat. Yes. Nipping breeze. Beautiful touch with the adjectives. Complex sentences which slow us to the rhythm of the tides and the mood of an early shoreline evening. Nothing Gothic about it but who cares?

Copyright Suzie!

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