Tuesday 3 February 2015

Still Winter... Still Snowy

Winter can be a slog, can't it? Just recovered from all the Christmas feasting (and the Christmas cold) then felled by the latest virus - jolly quick way to lose those festive pounds, but I'd rather diet any day. Then there's the weather...

To lift our spirits lets share another of those wonderful descriptive pieces by our younger writers. This is by George, Year 6.

The Winter Star

The snow quickly lays a thin plain blanket above the green grass.
A spruce fir tree vibrantly stands out from the plain snow.
The aquatic pond beams out its azure colour.
Twinkling mirror-like snowflakes finally arrive after a long tough journey plunging from heaven.
A lone barn owl flies.

Thanks, George - suddenly I feel a whole lot better!

Watch out for our next 'Society Cafe' #Thoughttree Writers' Workshop, btw - coming up later in February and, since the first was so popular, another splendid session on memoir writing!

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