Wednesday 18 February 2015

Workshop Roadshow now rolling!

We're delighted to announce that our Writing Roadshow is up and running beautifully, with places filling fast for our next Memoir Writing workshops which are due to take place on:

24 Feb 6.30 pm Judsons, Pocklington
26 Feb 9.30 am Drewton's, South Cave
5 Mch 10 am Judsons, Pocklington.

We had a great time at #Cave Castle, and have been made very welcome at #Judsons in Pocklington - now a firm favourite for a venue - thanks, Judsons.

We're excited that we can also offer our first workshop at #Drewton's, South Cave. Much coffee will be drunk and much cake eaten, no doubt!

Herewith links to websites so you can see what fantastic venues our workshops are running at:

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