Monday 23 November 2015

On Kids and Other Stuff

A splendid snippet coming up from one of our young writers, Faye, who is a regular in a York primary school Creative Writing group with a Thoughttree tutor. Faye is Year 6 and needed a boost - we have been working on dynamic verbs, adjectives and keeping the 'self' out of descriptive writing, starting a sentence with a noun instead of the usual 'I can see...' that young writers sometimes produce. We love her short sentence to start, and her use of present tense:

'The sky dims. Suddenly there is an outburst of rain. The cliff looms above. The bold cliff guards a lonely church against the harsh winds.'

Well done, Faye. If you're in the East Riding of Yorkshire and would like a Thoughttree tutor working with your students why not get in touch? We're qualified and experienced teachers, after all...

And just in passing... look out for our Fiction Writing courses, coming in the New Year - and coming to York! Details on the website soon as we can!

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