Wednesday 18 November 2015

On Matters of Talk...

Our second workshop focusing on dialogue was a hit with all who came - and it was a sizeable group that squeezed itself into the upstairs room at @Judsons_ Pocklington. Script writing was on the menu and we looked at ways to use silence in talk - fascinating. Ever tried writing dialogue where your character doesn't actually speak? We did!

Try this for size: married couple, getting ready to go out for the evening. He's tying his tie; she's putting on make-up.

'Mother's had false teeth put in,' he says.
She shrugs; reaches for the mirror.
'I mean. To have them all out at once! You should see her without them IN, Sal. Her cheeks! Bags like empty sacking, they are.' He sighs. 'Age. What it does to you.'
She shrugs again, but applies a second, thicker layer of foundation.

Speaks volumes!

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