Wednesday 9 December 2015

Christmas Writing with Kids

Phew - the world is such a difficult place right now. How lovely then to be able to share some of our young writers' seasonal descriptive writing and escape into fantasy. This extract is by Faye, Year 6. We were working on sentence starters - using a preposition, and replacing 'I see' starters. Faye's original 'fox' sentence began 'I see a fox slipping on the ice...' Together we decided that 'A fox slips...' is much stronger. Well done, Faye.

Flying in Snow writing by Faye

The snow blanket covers the wonderful rooftops below.
I spy twinkling light from the windows of awake children hoping to sneak a glimpse of the beloved Father Christmas.
I spot trees in the darkness of night.
A fox slips on the ice and plummets towards the prickled, frost covered bushes. And it is gone.
Below me, the icy sea looks like a puddle because we’re up so high.

As we dash through the clouds, an angel soars through the windy winter skies.

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