Monday 14 December 2015

A 'who is he?' poem for Christmas

We've been working on metaphor poems with our young writers - always fun and you can still spot the learning in there (how many of us are falling back on word searches as the end of term approaches? What is the point of these things? They are so DULL!)

So here's a festive 'who is he?' poem (one I made earlier :P) to share as we head into the final week of pre-Christmas term time mania... copyright Ali, this time (its fun writing with the kids, after all...)

He is a mighty throne, draped in rich, twisted silks of crimson and gold.
The soaring, spreading palm tree fresh-fruited with fine dates.
A lone camel that plods across the searing, heat-shimmered dunes.
He is Arabian moonrise, yellowed and heavy in the evening sky.
The promise of starlight on the far horizon.
He is exotic spices haggled over in desert souks.
A precious jewelled casket; a gift of gold.

Who is he?

(One of the!) Wise Men, of course.

Happy Christmas from Thoughttree to all you slightly frazzled by now teachers - you will have earned your Christmas by the end of this week!

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