Wednesday 6 January 2016

Happy New year from Thoughttree!

Greetings from Thoughttree!

The festive season is behind us - the last chocolate sneaked from the box, decorations packed away, a trail of pine needles leading to a naked tree, lying prostrate on the damp patio...

Time for New Year's resolutions!

We're hoping that yours includes enjoying more Thoughttree Creative Writing Workshops in 2016!

Watch this space for the next session, coming soon.

And it's not too late to enter our Flash Fiction competition - title: Snow Globe. Word limit: 150. (Sounds easy, eh?)
Deadline: this Friday (8th Jan). Submit on-line. Winning story will be featured on our website and read on West Wolds Radio, the creative writers' radio station.

Best wishes

Deb and Ali

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