Monday 11 April 2016

More Great Writing!

Here's more great writing from our Year 4 star, Amelia:


The peach sand frizzled under the turquoise sky, while in the distance the glistening sea formed huge waves.
The white feathers of the seagulls sparked in the sunlight.
The sea water splashing onto the shore smelt of salt.
The sun reached out on to the rocky hills.
Nearly in the brilliant blue rock pools, golden fishes raced.
As the light faded, the sunset skipped into a rainbow.
Above the clouds, the cobweb moon gazed at the dazzling planets.

Love this! Amelia explored two things which made such a difference to her writing: different sentence starters, and powerful verbs.

Favourite sentence: the sunset skipped into a rainbow. Beautiful! (to use a word we have banned in our sessions!)

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