Monday 22 May 2017

Pocklington Arts Centre - Great Venue!

The first Carrotsmash @carrotSMASH2 Writing Workshop took place on Saturday at Pocklington Arts Centre @PocklingtonArts - great venue and great group to work with. Look out for more Carrotsmash workshops this autumn - full details will be in Pocklington Arts Centre brochure, or visit In the meantime, what did workshoppers think of Saturday's session?

'Good venue. Good group. Enthusiastic and supportive.'
'A thoroughly enjoyable morning. I have learned a huge amount in 3 hours and feel confident that I could continue on my own. I will definitely be attending future workshops.'
'The venue used was 'cosy' and clean and quiet. Ali was a great presenter who was very supportive and knows what she is doing.'
'I feel inspired to write!'

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