Tuesday 13 May 2014

American Psycho AGAIN!

I'm delighted to say I had a tremendous welcome from Wyke College A level students last week, who were participating in taster sessions of #Thoughttree writing workshops.

And, of course, #American Psycho came around again... workshop participants were delighted (in a kind of wincing, nay shocked, nay OMG sort of way) with the casual, nay clinical, detailed treatment of extreme violence juxtaposed with the disconnected, zero-emotion narrative voice of psycho-character Patrick Bateman. It was very interesting to explore Gothic elements in the novel. Eh? I hear you say. Gothic? Yes, certainly. Let me explain:

Lone, isolated character in exotic landscape; straying into the realms of the forbidden; the pleasure/pain dichotomy for the reader who is caught up in the thrill of anticipation; terror. Overflow into horror. Yep, definitely Gothic - will be using this in our forthcoming Thoughttree writing courses!

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