Thursday 29 May 2014

Of Mice and Men... leave us nought but Pain and Joy.

So Of Mice and Men is to be wiped from the school curriculum... at thoughttree we'd hate to poke the ants nest but being honest, we've seen it taught  in a pretty mundane way. Sure, its a great novella, but (squirm, gurn) can we suggest it is a touch difficult to stretch the most able students with good ole George and Lennie? It's beautifully accessible. But so easy to work its way into the year plan so it becomes set in stone.

But To Kill a Mocking Bird? Such sensitive handling of what is a rather topical theme, wethinks! Such admirable writing technique in the duality of child Scout/adult Scout narrative voice! For starters! Gasp shock horror!  Keep it in, Mr Gove, keep it in.

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