Friday 23 May 2014

Writing Gothic!

Writers in groups that work with Deb and Ali from Thoughttree are hitching a ride on the Gothic wagon... here's a sample from one worthy writer, Sarah:

'I awoke with a start. I lay in cold, silent darkness. Every fibre of my body ached. I turned my head and closed my eyes against the spinning, stabbing pain. And then I heard it. Shuffle, drag. Shuffle, drag. Getting closer.
I tried to move, to sit up, to see, to run. Shuffle, drag. Shuffle, drag. With an inhuman effort I clawed myself into a sitting position. Shuffle, drag. I tried to scream but my lungs were full of a thick fear that swamped my voice and numbed my reason. Shuffle... I raised my arms in a futile attempt to protect myself from whatever was about to assault me... drag.'

Go Sarah! Suspense and Gothic terror wonderfully done. Lovely use of the verb 'clawed'. More, please!

We do hope that Sarah joins us on one of our Gothic courses!

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