Friday 11 July 2014

Here's a great little snippet from one of our regular writers - a piece of classic Gothic and a new take on The Raven (enjoy, Mr Poe!). This extract occurs just as the bird attacks...

'It is only now that I realise there is another sound, filled with awful meaning: it is the sound of wings - beating wings! It is in!  The raven is inside!

How could it be? I checked, but with timely horror I realise - I had forgotten the fireplace – the study has a fireplace. It has come in through the fireplace! I struggle at the doorway but cannot close the door and the dreadful beating and flapping is all around me, at me. Sharp claws rake in my flesh; on my head, in my hair.  I try to run but all windows, all doors are firmly barred - not keeping the raving creature out but dear God locking me in! I become aware that I am screaming in the rip and gouge and smothering feathered murder of it tearing at me, in me until I am wet with it, caught in it and its beak is a vicious kiss until the dear darkness comes.'

Blimey! We love this. Vicious kiss - splendid! Enjoy, all!

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