Friday 18 July 2014

More Storms Forecast...

In view of this weekend's stormy forecast, it seems only right to share a little more 'storm writing' by our younger writers. So here goes...

'The skies darken as clouds pile up like layers of earth crushing a dinosaur's skeleton.
There is a low rumble of thunder that rattles the ground like a sudden tremor.
A pitter-patter of rain settles into tiny snickets in the grass.

A blast of lightning, then more thunder.
The atmosphere crashes.
Tiny raindrops have turned into the size of grenades that explode and make a huge splash of water when they hit the earth.
An earthquake has passed.

The clouds start to spread out and the sun finds a gap to shine its sunshine through.
It pushes away the clouds; dries up the tears that the clouds have been crying.'

Courtesy of Charlotte, Year 5.

There are some lovely moments in this - our favourite line: 'The atmosphere crashes'. If you've been caught in some the storms we've been having recently, you'll know that it does!

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